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Browsing Civil Engineering by Title

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  • Das, Braja M. (Taylor & Francis, 1988)
    A naturally occurring soil sample may have particles of various sizes. Over the years, various agencies have tried to develop the size limits of gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
  • Das, Braja M. (Taylor & Francis, 2008)
    For a basic understanding of the nature of soil, the distribution of the grain size present in a given soil mass must be known. The grain-size distribution of coarse-grained soils (gravelly and/or sandy) is determined ...
  • Craig, R.F. (Spon Press, 1974)
    This book is intended primarily to serve the needs of the undergraduate civil engineering student and aims at the clear explanation, in adequate depth, of the fundamental principles of soil mechanics
  • LOZANO GALANT, JOSE ANTONIO (Cengage Learning, 2009)
    Geometry, truth, simplicity and art are the four cardinal points that guided the work of Eduardo Torroja and Frontón Recoletos is a clear example of its application as discussed throughout this thesis
  • Bowles, Joseph E. RE., S.E (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 1997)
    The specific gravity of the soil grains is of some value in computing the void ratio when the unit weight and water content are known. The test is of moderate difficulty with the major source of error deriving from the ...
  • Das, Braja M. (Chris Carson, 1998)
    For engineering purposes, soil is defined as the uncemented aggregate of mineral grains and decayed organic matter (solid particles) with liquid and gas in the empty spaces between the solid particles.
  • Huang, Yang H . (PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED, 2004)
    The mechanistic–empirical method of desig n is based on the mechanics of materials that relates an input, such as a wheel load, to a n output or pavement response, such as stress or strain .
  • DAS, BRAJA M. (Thomson, 2006)
    The publication of Erdbaumechanik auf Bodenphysikalisher Grundlage by Karl Terzaghi in 1925 gave birth to a new era in the development of soil mechanics. Karl Terzaghi is known as the father of modern soil mechanics, and ...
    Soils are natural resources. They are necessary for our existence. They provide food, shelter, construction materials, and gems. They protect the environment and provide support for our buildings. In this textbook, we ...
  • BUDHU, MUNI (JOHN WilEY & SONS, INC, 2000)
    A quiz is included in appropriate chapters on the CD ROM to elicit performance and provide feedback on key concepts. Interactive problem solving is used to help students solve problems similar to the problem-solving ...
  • Kassimali, Aslam (Cengage Learning, 2011)
    In this book, we have used both MKS and CGS units. USCS units or FPS units used in the US Edition of the book have been converted to SI units throughout the text and problems. However, in case of data sourced from ...
  • Garber, Nicholas J.; Hoel, Lester A. (Cengage Learning, 2009)
    Traffic and Highway Engineering, Fourth Edition, is designed for students in engineering programs where courses in transportation, highway, or traffic engineering are offered. In most cases, these courses are taught in ...

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