This book was conceived as a support for courses whose objective is to provide
students with a working understanding of financial statements and the meaning
of accounting numbers. Our intention is to place reporting in its business context,
and to make it clear to managers how accounting reflects their work. We also aim
to teach the conceptual foundation of accounting and how this translates into the
financial statements of businesses. The book is aimed at future users of accounting
information–managers and analysts – not at future auditors or accountants
The book does not situate itself in an individual national context. It uses International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as its basis, and reflects, therefore,
the rules followed by nearly all European listed companies and by an increasing
number of Asian, African and American (non-US) companies. We also try to keep
up with current IFRS terminology (e.g. statement of financial position, statement
of profit or loss (and other comprehensive income)) in order to be consistent with
the IFRS extracts used in our book.