‘Heat and thermodynamics’ is presented in a comprehensive way and the sequence of articles in each chapter enables the students to understand the development of the subject.
The chapter on thermodynamics includes a large number of topics viz, zeroth law of thermodynamics, concept of heat, problems concerning entropy, Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations, the first, the second and the third laws of thermodynamics, practical working of heat engines, refrigerators and the concept of negative temperatures. Based on the syllabus of different universities, equal emphasis is also given to chapters concerning thermometry, specific heat, kinetic theory, liquefaction of gases, production of low temperatures, pyrometry and transmission of heat.
A large number of diagrams to illustrate the basic principles are given in the book. Solved numerical examples are also given at the end of each chapter to enable the students to apply the formulae and principles studied. The exercises at the end of each chapter contain a large number of questions including numerical problems and these are mainly selected from question papers of different universities.